Coming Soon

We are out of stealth mode! Welcome to Rigs of Color, a site dedicated to providing high quality rigs for all your animation projects. Our character rigs are designed to be compatible with game engines and performance capture. We’re constantly researching how to ease the process of integrating our rigs with the latest pipelines. Our free rigs are on par with (if not better than) most premium rigs, built by our custom auto-rigging engine with loads of quality-of-life innovations for animators. Check out our R&D page to learn more!
RoC plans to provide you with the best rigs available online. We want to be your first stop when seeking characters for your next project. Black character rigs are hard to find online, so we are fixing this as well as providing high quality brown and Asian character rigs. Our artists are constantly adding to our ethnically diverse characters as we prep for launch.
Did you know?
Tech artists at studios such as Epic and Riot Games have incorporated our lead designer’s work into their productions!
Many features in Unreal Engine 4’s “Animation and Rigging Tool” were based on our early prototype.
This project is about creating sustainable independent pipelines in industry and academia, as a model of anti-racist innovation.
That you’ll love using our rigs! Most of the innovations we offer have been in use by major studios for years.