Rigs of Color is an ongoing research and development project. All of our artists and developers are compensated for their work, and we rely on the support of community members like you to maintain our ongoing work, and to offer free high-quality characters to the animation community.

Donate to Rigs of Color Research at WPI
wpi logo in white

Worcester Polytechnic Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit institution for higher education. Gifts of cash are deductible for federal income tax purposes up to 60 percent of adjusted gross income with a five-year carry-over provision available, if needed.

To Donate to the Rigs of Color project at WPI:

1. Visit the link below

2. [ Important! ] under designation, select "Other" and enter the following in the box:
"Rigs of Color Project"

3. Fill in payment details and submit. Make sure to take a screenshot of the confirmation page for your records.

We are also able to accept donations via cash, check, wire transfer, or pay by phone. Please visit https://www.wpi.edu/give/ways-to-give/ or contact WPI's planned giving office for more information. We are happy to assist you in donating however is most convenient for you, and we greatly appreciate your contribution towards improving representation in digital content.